Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Keeping warm

Becoming acclimitized to chores on the farm has been a challenge for Sterling, well for all of us really.  Things that used to be solved at the push of a button are not always so easily solved here.

For instance, when we were cold in Portland we would push a button for heat. Here at the old farmhouse, this is a huge undertaking.  To stay warm we have to build a fire in the potbelly in the morning or fireplace in the evening, I know I know, you are thinking, easy just build a fire.  Maybe it would be if the wood was delivered.

First pack up the chainsaw, a can of fuel and some chain oil.  The chainsaw has become probably the most valuable piece of equipment here on the old farm.  Then you head to the woods, look for the old deadfalls, old is best because wet wood doesnt burn well.  Then you "buck" the timber into 16" pieces.  Then you load up the wheelbarrow if its close, or the Llamas if its far and haul the wood back to the wood shed.

Next you buck the wood into 8" pieces for the potbelly, since it is the main heat source in the house.  You do this by loading the bucking cradle up and then use the chainsaw and cut the wood in half.  Then with the second most important tool, the axe, you split the pieces into less than 5" diameter wedges so they fit thru the potbelly door.
After that you load up the outside woodbox,

Load the inside woodbox, empty the ash collection tray, open the flew and now you can build a fire.

I know from experience now, that you should always be doing one or more of these steps per day.  Because once you throw out your back and you are down for a week, the wood storage gets low quickly.  I know why farmers would have lots of kids...Sterling will take over this entire job as he gets older.  But currently he loves being the one to fill the wood boxes, he sees he is a vital contributor to one of the most important aspects here.  He looks forward to being "upgraded to a level 2 woodsman".  Thats when he gets to chop wood he informed me.
In the meantime we will all have heated discussions(no pun intended)about who gets to sit in the hot seat! But I guess we will have to fight the animals for it first!


Kristine said...

Been there by that potbelly stove...and I got the warm spot...I think the life that you all are sharing is would make a great reality show...hope you are keeping a book of all of Sterling's comments...and thoughts...they are priceless...

Sid said...

We know from just being there with you how inviting that fire is in the morning.