Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jumping off the cliff

I know this is old news to a lot of folks but for those of you just now reading along, we moved to the country.  We moved because we were tired of our life in Portland.  We moved because I had a bad job situation.  We moved because of Portland's terrible public school system.  We moved to start our dreams of living in the country.

I started documenting the entire leap on video and I was watching some clips the other day and I think maybe someday people will want to see it.  Not because I think it is some great or original story, but because I think a lot of us don't know where to start when we want to follow our dreams.

We have only been here 2 weeks, and the only reason I am starting the blog now is because I am layed-up from throwing my back out while clearing the llama pen.  It's kind of a "bring you back down to earth" kinda day.  Injuries on the farm are never awesome.  Especially since I am the strong back around here...but I guess we all need to take the time to heal instead of pushing constantly.  I think that's something everyone needs to do no matter where they are or what they are doing in life.  Thats why I am here after all.

Part of my dream up here is to make a retreat.  I want to make a place that people can come to and reflect on life.  Heal, sit in hot tubs, look at the Olympics and breathe.  I want people to take the time for themselves.  There's too much input bombarding everyone constantly, it lends to stressful days from the moment you get in the car and fight traffic.  Everyone has a reason to unplug and relax, whether it is the work, school, or family stresses.  So I plan to provide a place for this to happen.

In the meantime, we are trying to figure out how to make a living on the land.  Sustainability for my family is really important.  So we are trying to figure out what to farm, how to farm it and what else we can do here.  Some of the ideas are having events, Llama pack trips, Olympic adventure outfitting, in addition to our old income sources like Sharon's craft and jewelry and my video and photography stuff.
The hardest part of this whole thing was jumping off the cliff.  What I mean by that, is saying screw to the bosses, ignoring the naysayers and just going for it.  Granted the old house up here was needing a renter and the family farm has been here, slowly falling down, but here.  But by saying fuck it to everything down there, we were able to sell our house, get completely out of debt and be able to buy another place if we choose with a good down payment.  Our original plan was to buy an hour outside of Portland and do the same thing with our dreams.  But we were lucky enough and brave enough to uproot and go long.  It is a hail mary in some aspects, but we feel it is a safe play regardless because in the end, we are financially free and our boys will grow up free to roam and have a good school system to be educated from.

So now the adventure continues and this will be our forum to share our experiences and learn from!


Kristine said...

what a great place to...'jump' off to...can't wait to read about all the adventures for you 4...

Unknown said...

I can't wait to watch the reality show of all of your adventures...

Amanda H. said...

Yay, you guys are blogging! You could totally start a Bed & Breakfast to be that kind of retreat for people and still make some income. Bill and I once stayed in a B & B in Sequim and loved it. :)

Rachel Carlson said...

Yay!! It will be so awesome to follow your adventures. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us. Wishing you all the very best. XO!!