Monday, October 01, 2007

Birthday, and new pics!

Well, Sterling had his 1st Birthday a few weeks back. I think for Sterling it was an exercise in dealing with multiple stimuli. Let me give an example from Sterlings point of view:

Wow there are a lot of people here...Wait, I know them....But they're ALL here at once, oh my god...OK, here we go (Deep Breath) hi grandma, hi grandma, oh wait another one, Hi grandma, and granpa and Pop and that funny guy with the spiky hair, and o theres Auntie Zoo Zee and Cousin Z, theres Lola, and theres another granpa here!! Wait dont stick that in my mouth, its sweet but, BUT WHY DID YOU DO THAT GRANDPA!!!!!(Throws the Cake)

Really it's an important skill to possess, especially with the Holidays coming up! Speaking of skills Sterling is starting to stand on his own and take a step or 2 but hasn't quite given up crawling, it's safer and faster you know. Well enjoy some pictures hope to see all of you during the holidays.