Saturday, March 22, 2014

Yaks, Chickens and Floods

Ok, to set the record straight, we did not get a yak. However this yak does live just down the road from us at the Olympic Game Farm, where the famous bear Ben, from Grizzly Adams, was trained. I could go on and on about Grizzly Adams but I will have to save that for another time.
Danny has been on a work assignment since February 21st. We are so blessed to have wonderful family to help me out. My folks, my Mother in law and Father in law have all come up. It has really been fun having them all visit and get some quality time. Being so close to Uncle Dana is a security as well. I don't ask for a lot of help from him but know if things really get sketchy I can count on him. One of those times I was so thankful to have my Mother in law, Robin, visiting. We had been out playing and working and had just switched off baby boy duties. We had noticed that the creek had been rising a bit but then within a few minutes it was flooding the chicken run. Robin ran baby boy in and said she had to get the dam door up. I put baby boy in the back pack and started helping. We realized we needed to start grabbing chickens and running them to the barn. Thankfully most of our ladies are hand raised and were fairly cooperative. We started to shove chickens into the dog kennel to get them to the barn. I wish we had a picture of that! We had a dog kennel full of chickens and each of us had chickens in our arms and several by the legs. It was quite the sight. Poor Robin got pretty soaked. I was worried she was going to get hypothermia. I told her to go in and get warmed up and I'd finish up. I'm learning a lot of farm girl skills from Robin. It is so much fun to hear her childhood stories.
I have figured out that a month with Danny gone really is my breaking point. I nearly had my first break down yesterday when our feed order was delivered. They arrived early but did not knock on the door. They ended up leaving the feed outside the barn door. Such a small thing but this nearly sent me over the edge. Mind you this was about 1/2 a ton of feed. So no little task to move it all by hand. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Ok it was not raining or windy. Thankfully we live in a gravel pit with lots of equipment. Here was one of those times I was so thankful for Uncle Dana. He had someone quickly put the feed in the barn with a fork lift. There is always a silver lining.

With Danny being gone for so long I decided to sell the llamas. I found them a great home with a family that will take them on lots of hikes. They take kids out into the wilderness to hike that may otherwise never get into nature. The buyer sent me a picture of his kids riding them. In truth the llamas were never as friendly as I had secretly hoped. I do not regret the time they were here. They taught me a lot about larger livestock. I have spent plenty of time with horses. They are NOT horses.

We, well I, did add a few more chicks to the menagerie. I'm not really counting at this point. Although I am sure Danny would like an exact number. Poultry will ebb and flow in and out of our little farm here. After selling the llamas I have been able to spend much more time with our poultry. I am finding that I love the chickens even more. I would be perfectly happy being a poultry farmer with a horse. I have been selling fertilized hatching quail eggs on eBay and have found it to be quite a little market. I am pleased with the way this little poultry biz has taken off. I sold my first dozen chicken eggs of the season and look forward to selling lots more at the Sequim Farmers Market. We have been hatching lots of quail eggs and each hatch I learn a little more. We have poultry at all different stages and ages. Preschool brooder, 1st grade brooder, teenage chickens, old chickens and quails of all ages. Oh my!

The boys are growing fast. Sterling is enjoying school and 4H. We are very excited to be taking a trip to Georgia for spring break to see Sterling's best friend and our dear friends from our old neighborhood. We will meet up with Danny and spend some much needed time with him before he goes back to work.

There have been challenges being here but nothing worth doing is ever easy. I feel at home here. When I see the smile on my children's faces it is all worth it. Hug your loved ones and be thankful for any silver linings. Peace and blessings, The Rowlands

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

New Coops, Old Coops

The quails are all full grown and poppin out eggs already!  Crazy that they can turnaround in 6 weeks!  I think by the end of summer we will have an endless supply of meat from them.  A few more breeding groups and a few more hatches and we are really gonna be cookin!  We decided to move the quails and baby chicks out of the garage and into the old shop.  Actually it was an old milking parlour and then it became the old chicken coop, that became an old shop that then became the parts warehouse, that is now the new Quail coop!  Ha! checkout the before and after pictures.

I built the New Coop where the old, old coop used to be apparently.  Mom came up and said "Oh!  your building where the old coop, that was old when I was a kid, was!" Now Sharon is moving the 20 teenagers into the new Chicken house.  They'll be laying in the 60 year old nest box from the old chicken coop/parlour/warehouse/shop/quail coop thats now in the new coop!

I did a bunch of burning around the edges of the cut flower field.  We made a big pile of slash and burnt it, then proceeded down the ditch line to burn the grass away. It seemed a little dangerous when the wind whipped up and made it travel down the ditch, but just like Ole Uncle D said, it didn't go anywhere and just cleaned the ditch.  That was kind of exciting!

Sharon has her poultry collections now. The old girls, the teenagers, the new girls and the quails.  We are at 50 chickens, 24 quail. We have another 10+ chickens on the way and 6 heritage turkeys.  I never really ask for the actual number anymore because when they show up theres always more!  I feel like maybe I should add a chicken ticker to the blog so we can update as we grow!!

One last thing we changed the old pumphouse into the egg washing station and refrigerator.  We will probably have a little money box and eggs in the fridge for whoever wants fresh eggs!

Enjoy the pics.  This is my last post for awhile since I am on a job for a while, but Sharon is going to keep us all up to date as she gets closer to market time.  That girl is my hero with the 2 boys and a boomin chicken house she has got her hands full!!!

Peace and love to all of you's out there!  I hope we get to travel thru time together soon!

The Rowland's