Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sharon at 10 weeks

Well here is the first installment of pictures. Sharon has battled fiercely against this idea but I think it's important so she said "Oh OK if its important to you." As for the rest of life things are going well. I am still working at Fusion and our Winter season is about to fire up. Here is the first picture Sharon at 10 weeks. As you can see she is thrilled to have her picture taken. Also here is our first ultrasound. I have put some arrows in to point out the head and flippers. It also looks like a strong Davis nose is already in the works if you look close. I plan to take a monthly set of photos so come back around a month from now!! Click on the image if you want to get a better look.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sharon's 2-cents January 21

Well I have had morning sickness for the past 2 weeks. Thankfully my friend Carrie is a Chinese Medicine Doctor so she brewed me up some tea to help with it. I am not sure what else to expect because I am not very far along. We go to our first Dr.'s appointment on the 9th. We are excited for all the changes that will be happening. We just have to take one day at a time.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Our New Home

This is the house. We are loving owning our first home!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

We're Pregnant!!

Well if you haven't heard yet...We're pregnant! There are so many things that have changed this year. We bought a house in St. John's(deep N. Portland) its a cozy little 2 bedroom cottage with a basement. We are already re-painting and re-furnishing Before the latest human member was conceived, we added a hairy new Rowland, Oliver Puglas Twist to the fam. He's Sharon's first birthday puppy. We are excited about the new Rowland growing in Sharon's tummy. She hopes its a little curly haired Danny...she doesn't know I had to wear a leash though!! Enjoy these pictures of the last year!