Monday, December 18, 2006

Its been awhile....

Well, it has been an exciting few months with the new addition. Sterling is starting to hold his head up real well, and he is goo-gooing away. He loves to grab really hard onto Oli and "pet" him, I am sure Oli would call it something else, but he loves the little guy too, wagging his tail and licking his milk mouth, and fingers. Clarence on the other hand just realized Sterling existed when he jumped into Sharon's lap and Sterling was attached to the milk truck. His eyes lit up like"what the hell is that!!" Sterling loves his momma and papa showering us with smiles and giggles everyday when he wakes up. He is also very lucky that he gets to spend time with Grandpa and Gramma Moberly 2 or 3 days a week, depending on how busy Daddy gets. Here are some new, old pictures of him being his smiley self. Enjoy!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday, September 08, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, May I Present...Sterling Rowland!!!

Sterling arrived yesterday, September 7th 2006 at 8:08am!! Our day began at about 11:00pm the 6th when I twisted and turned in bed I said to Sharon "I think Sterling is coming tonight" at about 2am. After I finally slept for 45 minutes Sharon woke me up with contractions. I started timing her at 3am and they were already 2 minutes apart. We waited for an hour thinking it was false labor. I then called the hospital and they said to take a shower and head in. After I fed Oli and picked a few tomatoes we loaded the car and headed to the hospital. We arrived at about 5:45am and the midwife checked her and admitted her, as now she had opened to 6cm. Sharon labored without pain meds until 8am and she gave one last push. I was allowed to catch Sterling who was much like a slippery fish and flopped him on her belly. It was a wonderful and beautiful thing and Sharon and I are so Happy!! I hope to see you soon when you come and visit our new addition to the family. Enjoy some pics!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

38 weeks, and ready to pop!!!

Hello all. Here is Sharon at the very large stage which I have named the "where's my basketball, oh wait there it is." stage. Like I tell Sharon though, she looks more and more beautiful everyday, after all when have you not seen a beautiful pregnant lady? It's not like you go "oh my god how horrible", when you see a smily happy cutey like her, besides if you did, you probably wouldn't wake up until after a week of sleeping off her large husbands punch. Heres me and Ollie getting some practice in. and last is a sweet pic we snuck of Ollie the other day

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

33 weeks = oh my goodness!!!

Here's your monthly update. Sharon is tired of being pregnant and Sterling has been working on his field goal kicking. It is definitely odd to see such a little guy move mamas tummy back and forth so can actually see him pushing and trying to make room. Soon he will be out and we can start working on his sword strikes, kickball homers and Shakespeare. He seems to like it, I've been reading A Midsummer Nights Dream and he really likes my falsetto voice I use for the female parts. So far he has been introduced to some music and is probably used to Ollie's bark by now. I am keeping my finger's crossed for a cooler August for poor sharon's sake, but the Farmers Almanac seems to think otherwise.Here's a picture of mama.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

7 Months....what?!

Well we found the Elmo shirt again finally and we decided we better post a new picture before the month was up. Here is a picture with her friend Nicole and a new Oli pic, enjoy.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Little Sterling and His Brother Pizza...

Well here she is at 22 weeks. I know it seems strange for us to have already picked out his name but thats all we have been talking about since december. So for those of you who didn't know. We named him Sterling Pleasant Murdock Rowland. He will be taking 2 names like his father which we have decided is now a new tradition in the Rowland family. Pleasant is from Gramma Glo's side, her fathers first name. Murdock is Jeannie's fathers name. I feel it is important to keep the maternal names in the male names and we will do the paternal names in the female names so they can trace back their roots someday. As for Pizza...go below the picture.
Pizza Rowland will be coming soon because Zelodine(my niece) has just realized that I am pregnant as well. I don't know if the rest of you knew that I was pregnant, but I am. I have included the pictures below. She asked me what his name was and I told her that I was carrying a food baby named Pizza. Everyone who now asks Zel will be educated on Pizza and how he will be the most fun cousin ever. Sharon and I have pondered what his middle names will be and I thought "Cake" would be good, but then I realized that everyone would make fun of him saying he was a "piece of cake" or some such nonsense. I think we should keep it pure like pepperoni or salami, at least then he would know he was cheesy and delicious, and not cakey. or maybe even olive sausage..Pizza Olive Sausage Rowland...I like the sound of it. Zelodine then asked what I was going to do when he was born and I said "I am going to eat him of course." Needless to say, she didn't believe me. I have only taken 2 pictures, me at 3 months and now at 7 months. Enjoy...Oh and the last picture is why we wake up in the morning with bad breath...its not the poop fairy like I thought for all these years.

Friday, April 21, 2006

19 weeks

Here is the little guy at 19 weeks!! He is getting soo big!! and so is mama...

Here is the ever voluptuous Sharon...We're getting more and more excited!! Looks like her belly is peaking out too!he he

Saturday, April 08, 2006

16 and 18 weeks

Here is the most recent picture. Sharon is getting curves in all the right places he, he.(18 weeks)

This one is 16 weeks.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sharon at 14 weeks

So we made it past the first trimester and sharon is starting to grow in an outward fashion. We think she is through most of the morning sickness(fingers crossed) and hasn't really had any weird cravings although soon I am sure she'll like my favorite, the peanut butter, pickle, and mayonaise sandwich. She is really tired in the morning but glows in that motherly fashion. She is starting her nesting with the ultra long Honey-do list which gets bigger by the day and I haven't even gotten to #1 yet. We will have another Dr visit in 2 weeks although I'm not sure there will be an ultrasound this time, but if there is I'll make sure I put it here. Until then enjoy the new picture.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sharon at 10 weeks

Well here is the first installment of pictures. Sharon has battled fiercely against this idea but I think it's important so she said "Oh OK if its important to you." As for the rest of life things are going well. I am still working at Fusion and our Winter season is about to fire up. Here is the first picture Sharon at 10 weeks. As you can see she is thrilled to have her picture taken. Also here is our first ultrasound. I have put some arrows in to point out the head and flippers. It also looks like a strong Davis nose is already in the works if you look close. I plan to take a monthly set of photos so come back around a month from now!! Click on the image if you want to get a better look.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sharon's 2-cents January 21

Well I have had morning sickness for the past 2 weeks. Thankfully my friend Carrie is a Chinese Medicine Doctor so she brewed me up some tea to help with it. I am not sure what else to expect because I am not very far along. We go to our first Dr.'s appointment on the 9th. We are excited for all the changes that will be happening. We just have to take one day at a time.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Our New Home

This is the house. We are loving owning our first home!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

We're Pregnant!!

Well if you haven't heard yet...We're pregnant! There are so many things that have changed this year. We bought a house in St. John's(deep N. Portland) its a cozy little 2 bedroom cottage with a basement. We are already re-painting and re-furnishing Before the latest human member was conceived, we added a hairy new Rowland, Oliver Puglas Twist to the fam. He's Sharon's first birthday puppy. We are excited about the new Rowland growing in Sharon's tummy. She hopes its a little curly haired Danny...she doesn't know I had to wear a leash though!! Enjoy these pictures of the last year!