Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Llamaleers

So many things to talk about...I guess I'll start with the Llamas.  Bolt's foot is healing, he has been happy to have the dry stall we made, but hates being apart from his buddy Cody.
Although I have no idea why you would want to hang out with a guy who constantly spits in your face. 

We've been taking Cody on walks without Bolt, which has been nice, I finally am starting to "get"these animals.  It's like having a cat that doesn't really care about you other than you feed him, but then it's kinda mixed with a dumb dog cluelessness.  Cody bounded around like an idiot anytime I got too close for awhile and I just would try and ignore him, he kinda spooked Sharon because a 350lb animal jumping around can be a little intimidating.  Apparently they can sense when people get nervous and tend to feed off the energy.

When we separate them they do what is called a "hum".  It's kind of a weird grunty whiny sound, like they are worried or constipated or something.  It doesn't sound like a hum that I would think of.

Here is a link to the video of us getting the Llamas! (since I can't get Blogger to post the video)

The Llamaleers

The Moberly clan came up for an early Thanksgiving.  It was great to see everyone!  Sharon's brother, Dean and I went for a little Thanksgiving Hunt.  I had him walk on one side of the pond while I snuck up the other.  We could see the ducks in the pond and got excited, Dean got closer and closer and then CRRRACCK he fell thru the ice...not in the pond mind you but in the mud pit right next to it!

At the gravel pit, they wash the gravel and then pump the glacial flour (mud) up to the settling ponds and then the silt settles out and the wash water feeds the pond.  Well, I forgot to tell Dean what to look for, because it looks like solid ground unless you know the tell-tale signs from growing up, and playing in them every summer for 20 years.  So Dean and I didn't get any ducks, I laughed for about 20 minutes, then stood up and laughed some more while I pulled him out, and then laughed some more on the walk back, then while he washed in the creek, and at dinner.

At least the first Thanksgiving in Sequim we made some good stories and had some laughs!

1 comment:

Thomas Family said...

Hilarious dude. Classic Danny face at 1:21.