Friday, December 05, 2008

Marching toward the New Year.

Hello all,
It has been a few months since my last post. 
 Perhaps as a new year resolution I will become a better blogger...Maybe. Since September many things have happened, unfortunately none of those things have been work...hmmm what the heck have I been doing anyway...Sterling and Sharon's birthdays have come and gone.  I've been trying to get it together as usual and life just keeps marching on.  Sterling is bigger than ever.  He has so much to say and really is communicating well.  Today for instance he wanted his milk and when I brought him the cup without the beer coozy around it, he got upset and kept saying table table which meant he wanted the beer coozy which I had just taken off and left on the table.  His enunciation is getting better but you still have to be around him alot to really understand him well.  Lola told grandma Jeannie she wasn't as good at understanding Sterling as Pop Sid was.  I think he said his first almost complete sentence today which was after he fell off the couch.  
With big crocodile tears in his eyes he said "Go bed daddy night night."  He wanted to lay back down with me after his owwie put him in a bad state.  Nonetheless his bruises and bumps only keep him down briefly and he'll give even my Mom a run for her money with his energy.  ANyway take care Happy Holidays.  Enjoy the pictures.

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